Matthew James Driscoll

Matthew James Driscoll


  1. 2009
  2. Udgivet

    "The best medicine in the bitterest of herbs": An eighteenth-century moral tale

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2009, Romance in medieval Iceland: A Festschrift in honor of Marianne Kallinke. Bradley, J. & Wolf, K. (red.). Ithaca: Cornell University Press, s. 231-256 25 s.

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  3. Udgivet

    A new edition of the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda: Some basic questions

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2009, On editing Old Scandinavian texts: Problems and perspectives. Ferrari, F. & Bampi, M. (red.). Università di Trento, s. 71-84 14 s. (Labirinti, Bind 119).

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  4. Udgivet

    Care and conservation of manuscripts: Proceedings of the eleventh international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen 24th - 25th April 2008

    Driscoll, Matthew James (red.) & Mósesdóttir, Ragnheiður (red.), 2009, København: Museum Tusculanum. 313 s. (Care and Conservation of Manuscripts, Bind 11).

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. Udgivet

    Editing the Fornaldarsögur Norðurlanda

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2009, Á austrvega. Saga and East Scandinavia: Preprint papers of The 14th International Saga Conference Uppsala 9th-15th August 2009. Ney, A., Williams, H. & Charpentier Ljungqvist, F. (red.). Uppsala: Gävle University Press, s. 207-212 6 s. (Papers from the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences; Nr. 14).

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  6. Udgivet

    Líkafrón og lagsmenn tveir

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2009, Greppaminni: Rit til heiðurs Vésteini Ólasyni sjötugum. Reykjavík: Hið íslenska bókmenntafélag, s. 115-127 13 s.

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  7. Udgivet

    Marking up abbreviations in Old Norse-Icelandic manuscripts

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2009, Medieval texts – contemporary media: The art and science of editing in the digital age. Saibene, M. G. & Buzzoni, M. (red.). Pavia: Ibis, s. 13-34 22 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

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