Adam Oehlenschläger's Correggio in Context

Publikation: Bidrag til bog/antologi/rapportBidrag til bog/antologiForskningfagfællebedømt

Oehlenschläger's tragedy Correggio was first published in Denmark (1811), then in Germany (1816). An Italian translation from Danish and then one from German followed in quick succession: the former - edited by Olinto dal Borgo - was published in Pisa in 1812; the latter - edited by Bartolomeo Benincasa, c. 1816 - remained unpublished (the manuscript is in the Correggio Library). The Correggio Foundation intends to publish these two Italian translations, accompanied by an appropriate commentary, i.e. "Adam Oehlenschläger's Correggio in Context"
Bidragets oversatte titelAdam Oehlenschlägers Correggio i kontekst
TitelWaiting for a title
StatusIkke-udgivet - 2024

ID: 395384617