Friday morning 15 April - Session B

Amager: 9.30-13.30

  • Venue: Seminar Room 23-4-39

Session 1, B: 9.30-10.30

9.30-9.55: Anne Melgård & Chiara Palandri, National Library of Norway: A composite manuscript created by a composite man: Fridtjof Nansen, presentation of the conservation of eight manuscripts in a folder.
10.00-10.25: Georgia Iona, Independent conservator, Germany: The devastating results of adhesive tape: Literature research in context with scientific analysis applied for the conservation of a 19th-century Ottoman manuscript.

  • 10.30-11.00: Coffee

Session 2, B: 11.00-12.30

11.00-11.25: Frank Trujillo: The Morgan Library and Museum, NY: A study of the working methods of the master of Catherine of Cleves.
11.30-11.55: Jacek Tomaszewski, Institute of Oriental Art. Polish Society of Oriental Art, Warsaw: Libri viatici: Protection and usage of portable books in medieval Poland.
12.00-12.25 Justyna Król, Weronika Liszewska, Władysław Sobucki, Academy of Fine Arts, Warsaw: Conservation of a fragment of a 14th-century illuminated French Bible: Tests of protein consolidants for the flaking lead pigments.

  • 12.30-13.30: Lunch
  • 12.40: Bus to the Royal Library