15 February 2016

Journal of Language Works – a new online-magazine for students of linguistics

University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University and The State and University Library in Aarhus proudly present an online-magazine aimed at university students who wish to publish their work. The journal publishes papers covering the entire field of language and linguistics, not only from students of Linguistics but also from a wide range of other subjects dealing with language studies.

Papers can be written in English, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian. There is no fixed deadline; contributions will be published gradually as they are ready for publishing at http://ojs.statsbiblioteket.dk/index.php/lwo/index. Submitted paper proposals will be evaluated by the editors. If the paper is within the scope of the journal and of acceptable academic and rhetorical standard, it will be send to peer-review by researchers within the appropriate field. Reviewers are instructed to show consideration for the academic level of the authors. Author guidelines at this site.