The Arnamagnæan Institute

The Arnamagnæan Institute is a research centre focused on philology, manuscript studies and language studies, specifically West Norse (Icelandic, Norwegian and Faroese) and East Norse (Swedish and Danish) in addition to modern Icelandic and Faroese. 

The centre is home to several collections, the most important one is the Arnamagnæan manuscript collection which comprises around 3000 items. Around 1400 are in Copenhagen, and the rest has been given back to Iceland.  In 2009 the collection was added to UNESCO’s Memory of the World Register in recognition of its historical value.
Read about the collection.

In collaboration with the Arnamagnæan Commission the institute publishes the series Bibliotheca Arnamagnæana and Editiones Arnamagnæanæ. A new series of digital editions, Editiones Arnamagnæanæ Electronicæ, is under development.




Projects and ressources


Name Title Phone E-mail
Driscoll, Matthew James Professor +4535328471 E-mail
Hansen, Anne Mette Associate Professor +4535328713 E-mail
Jensson, Gottskálk Associate Professor +4535328473 E-mail
Kjeldsen, Alex Speed Associate Professor +4553600121 E-mail
Lassen, Annette Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535328491 E-mail
Vrieland, Seán Associate Professor +4535337566 E-mail