The Ministry for Education and the Ministry for Science and Reasearch (Ekstern organisation)

Aktivitet: Medlemskab - typerMedlemskab af udvalg, råd og nævn

Bent Fausing - Medlem

FMKJ - Forskerskolen for Medier, Kommunikation og Journalitsik

My main intereset and work is to etabish contact to researchers outside Denmark and to make them interestet in the Ph.d.-School. I will furthermore ask them to give lectures, become key-note speakers, parcipate in workshops, etc. We also have a big exchange programs running between many contries in the world.
Navn: Bestyrelsesmedlem og medlem af forsker repræsentatantskabet

Body type: National Reaserch Shool with many international contacts
1 jan. 2000 → …

Ekstern organisation

NavnThe Ministry for Education and the Ministry for Science and Reasearch

ID: 15093125