9. oktober 2014

Artikel af Lian Malai Madsen belønnes med Ton Vallen Award

Lian modtager prisen for artiklen “High” and “low” in urban
Danish speech styles, som udkom i tidsskriftet Language in Society 42: 115-138

Tildelingen motiveres med ordene:
The jury was firmly impressed by the scope, depth and relevance of the study. By means of a sophisticated and delicate ethnographic study of school-going youth, and drawing on the support of longitudinal research in the area and among that age group in Copenhagen, Lian Malai Madsen shows how speech diacritics signaling “foreignness” now also indexically extend into a “high-low” distinction in speech styles. This extension of ethnic stratification into social stratification is an exceptionally important finding of great relevance for understanding the sociolinguistic dynamics in contemporary superdiverse societies.

Det er andet år i træk, at prisen går til en forsker ved dette institut: sidste år vandt Martha Sif Karrebæk Ton Vallen Award 2013 for ”What’s in your lunch box!” udgivet i Journal of Linguistic Athropology.