Visiting scholars at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics

Information and policy

The Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics at the University of Copenhagen welcomes visiting scholars at various stages in their academic careers, ranging from PhD students to full professors. The aim of such visits is to further enhance and accelerate research at the department – and to establish lasting collaborative relationships with national and international scholars. We accept visitors for short periods (a week) and for longer periods (up to a year). In order to apply to become a visiting scholar at the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, it is the responsibility of a prospective visitor to identify a faculty member with whom they would collaborate during the visit. That faculty member must agree to serve as the faculty host for the visit and collaborate with the visitor throughout their stay. To find a potential host, we refer potential visitors to the department’s website. Once a faculty member has agreed to serve as host, that faculty member will initiate the internal application process; the prospective visitor should contact this faculty host with any questions about the process. In addition to collaborating with the faculty host, we encourage each visiting scholar to enrich the community in other ways during their stay, such as:

  • Giving a research presentation, for example in the research group to which the faculty host belongs. We strongly encourage that such presentations are given at the start of their visit in order to introduce themselves to the community and to further collaborative options during their visit.
  • Exploring potential research collaborations with other faculty and PhD students. · Giving guest lectures in classes.
  • Interacting regularly with faculty and students.
  • Participating in activities, department meetings, or research group meetings.
  • Initiating reading groups, participating in research groups etc. 

The department is unfortunately unable to provide funding, housing or insurance for visitors.


The length of the visiting scholar’s stay at the department determines the administrative service and support provided to the visitor.

Visiting less than 2 months

Visiting scholars staying for less than 2 months at the department will as a general rule not have access to a permanent office space, library card, IT services, and they are not registered in the university’s IT systems. It is expected that the host facilitates and organizes the visitor’s stay at the department and handles practicalities regarding access to the building and introduction to the research group. The visitor will receive a guest access card to enter the building during the stay. There is Eduroam and Guest wireless access at the campus. There will be no bench fee for visiting scholars staying for less than 2 months.

Visiting 2 months or more

Visiting scholars staying for more than 2 months at the department will be registered as visiting scholars in the university’s systems, and visitors have library privileges, access card to the building, and internet access. There is a bench fee of DKK 3500,- per month for visiting scholars at the department. Visiting PhD students are exempt from payment. Visiting PhD students, who need formal PhD supervision during their visit, will need to pay a separate fee for supervision. PhD supervision should be agreed upon before the invitation letter is issued, and will be dependent on the availability of the relevant supervisor.

Agreements for visiting scholars must be completed at least three months prior to arrival, to allow enough time to arrange for practicalities in connection with the visit.