Talking about depression
A corpus investigation of discourse presentation in interviews with general practitioners and psychiatrists
Public Defence of PhD thesis by Hanne Sæderup Pedersen.
In Denmark, as in other countries, there is a declared intention to establish shared care between general practice and psychiatry for the increasing number of patients with depression. It has been suggested that the lack of shared care in the Danish health care system may be due to different understandings of depression in the two sectors.
By applying a literary-stylistic framework designed to capture discourse (i.e. speech, writing and thought) presentation from a continuum of realisation options, I investigate how general practitioners and psychiatrists use presentations of own and others’ speech, writing and thought.
The thesis has two main objectives: 1) to investigate how discourse presentation is employed in a corpus of institutional, non-narrative, spoken Danish and how discourse presentation within this context compares to previous corpus studies of scalar discourse presentation; and 2) to investigate how the two groups of health care professionals employ discourse presentation as well as grammatical category features, and how these uses may be viewed as conceptualisations of depression.
The quantitative results show several significant differences relative to previous corpus studies and between the two groups of health care professionals. In particular, the results for grammatical category features provide new evidence for uses of discourse presentation. Hence, I argue that these realisation patterns and associated uses indicate relatively sharp divisions in the health care system, in which the general practitioners conceptualise the doctor-patient relationship as symmetrical and themselves as critical towards and to some extent detached from the established system, but with minimal distance to ‘real life’. In contrast, the psychiatrists’ discourse presentation use indicates conceptualisations as specialists, with a larger degree of asymmetry in the doctor-patient relationship and a general tendency to express ownership of the treatment and the health care system.
While most linguistic studies of health care communication focus on doctor-patient interactions, i.e. how medical professionals interact with patients, this study is a contribution to studying health care communication in a context of representation, i.e. how medical professionals talk about patients and illness. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the thesis offers a structural approach to uncovering conceptualisations in a context which, within the field of social medicine, is mostly examined from a thematic, phenomenological perspective.
I såvel Danmark som i andre lande er der et ønske om øget samarbejde, ’shared care’, mellem almen praksis og psykiatrien i behandlingen af et stadigt stigende antal patienter med depression. Grunden til det manglende samarbejde i Danmark kan skyldes forskellige forståelser af depression i de to sektorer.
Min afhandling undersøger ved hjælp af en stilistisk-litterær teori om gengivelse af tale, skrift og tanke som et kontinuum af realisationsmuligheder, hvordan praktiserende læger og psykiatere gengiver egen og andres tale, skrift og tanke.
Afhandlingen har to hovedformål: 1) At undersøge, hvordan tale, skrift og tanke anvendes i et korpus bestående af institutionelt, non-narrativt, dansk talesprog ved at sammenligne mit korpus med tidligere korpusundersøgelser af tale-, skrift- og tankegengivelse. 2) At undersøge, hvordan henholdsvis praktiserende læger og psykiatere anvender gengivelse af tale, skrift og tanke – samt en række grammatiske fænomener knyttet hertil – som udtryk for konceptualiseringer af depression, læge-patient-relation og professionelle identiteter.
Undersøgelsen viser en række signifikante resultater, både i sammenligningen med tidligere korpusundersøgelser og af de to lægegrupper. Særligt viser de grammatiske fænomener, der knytter sig til kategorierne, hidtil ubeskrevne realiseringsmønstre. I forlængelse heraf argumenterer jeg for, hvordan disse mønstre viser klare grupperinger i sundhedsvæsenet, hvor de praktiserende læger i høj grad konceptualiserer læge-patient-relationen som symmetrisk, og sig selv som systemkritiske behandlere med kort afstand til ’det virkelige liv’. Psykiaternes sprogbrug, derimod, peger i retning af forståelser, der knytter sig til deres specialistrolle, med en højere grad af asymmetri i læge-patient-relationen og en generel tendens til ejerskab over behandling og behandlingssystem.
I et sundhedskommunikativt perspektiv udgør afhandlingen et bidrag til undersøgelse af sundhedskommunikation som strukturelt funderede repræsentationer, hvor størstedelen af sproglige undersøgelser i dag undersøger interaktioner ved brug af konversationsanalysen. I et bredere anvendt perspektiv kan afhandlingen betragtes som et strukturelt bidrag til studere forståelser, som i dag inden for socialmedicin primært foregår på baggrund af fænomelogiske, tematisk-baserede analyser.
Assessment Committee
- Associate Professor Lian Malai Madsen, chairman (University of Copenhagen)
- Professor Dan McIntyre (University of Huddersfield)
- Professor Anssi Peräkylä (University of Helsinki)
Moderator of defence
Associate Professor Søren Beck Nielsen (University of Copenhagen)
Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation before the defence at the following three places:
- At the Information Desk of Copenhagen University Library, South Campus
- In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond)
- At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Emil Holms Kanal 2, 2300 Copenhagen S