“…weil die Zukunft in Hochdeutsch liegt…” (“…because Hochdeutsch is the future…”)

Language attitudes amongst adolescents from the Stuttgart area

Public Defence of PhD thesis by Christoph Hare Svenstrup.


The present standard-dialect situaon in the Stugart area is the object of differing opinions amongst German dialectologists. Some regard it to be a situation of vital dialects developing alongside but independently of the German spoken standard. Others consider it to be a situation of an advanced standardisation resulting in the disappearance of the dialects in favour of spoken standard German.

This study is about ordinary adolescents’ lay perspective on this dialect-standard situation – about their attitudes to the local dialect (Swabian) and to spoken standard German (Hochdeutsch). The investigation of the adolescent’s conscious and subconscious language attitudes, as well as of their metalinguistic constructions of Swabian and Hochdeutsch, show how they position themselves in the social ideological processes underlying their own language use and the dialect-standard situation of the area.



Den nuværende dialektstandard-situation i Stuttgartområdet er genstand for delte meninger blandt tyske dialektologer. Nogle mener, den består af vitale dialekter, der udvikler sig selvstændigt og uafhængigt, mens andre mener, at dialekterne viger for en fremskreden standardisering af tysk talesprog.

Denne ændring drejer sig om unges læg-opfattelser af dialektstandard-situationen – om deres sprogholdninger l den lokale dialekt (Schwäbisch) og l den tyske talesprogsstandard (Hochdeutsch). Undersøgelsen af de unges bevidste og underbevidste sprogholdninger, samt deres metalingvistiske konstruktioner af Schwäbisch og Hochdeutsch, viser, hvordan de positionerer sig i de socialideologiske processer, der ligger l grund for deres egen sprogbrug og for dialektstandard-situationen i området.


Assessment Committee

  • Associate Professor Nicolai Pharao, chair (University of Copenhagen)
  • Professor David Britain (Universität Bern)
  • Associate Professor Loreta Vaicekauskienė (Vilnius University)

Moderator of the defence

  • Professor emeritus Frans Gregersen (University of Copenhagen)

Copies of the thesis will be available for consultation at the following three places

  • At the Information Desk of the Library of the Faculty of Humanities
  • In Reading Room East of the Royal Library (the Black Diamond)
  • At the Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics (NorS), Emil Holms Kanal 2