GDPR and ethical considerations

The European Regulations on protection of personal data apply in this project as follows:

In all the cases where it was possible, we have found those individuals who have the copyright to the letters we publish and asked their permission to publish. None of the copyright owners we found has rejected our request. 

In some cases, however, this procedure has not been possible, either because there are no offspring or because the original authors' only children/offspring have been in a mental state which did not allow us to approach them. In most such cases, we have chosen not to publish the letters in question. But in some cases we have chosen to publish although we did not have the explicit permission of the original authors' offspring. The reason for these exceptional cases is that we have prioritized the history of linguistics interest in the content of the letters. We have, of course, taken care that none of these letters contain any information on individuals but only contribute to the history of the discipline by making theoretical stances or viewpoints explicit and/or clearer than elsewhere.

We wish to take this opportunity to thank most cordially the many, many individuals who have helped us by giving us their permission to publish. We wish in this connection to single out in particular Susanne Agersnap who generously permitted us to publish Louis Hjelmslev's published works, letters and unpublished papers.