1 October 2014

New publications

Recent months have seen a number of publications by INSS researchers concerning Nordic modernist literature, women in research, mentalization theory and conversation analysis, innovation, communication, fairy tales, languaging and the personalities Suzanne Brøgger, N.F.S.Grundtvig and Sherlock Holmes.


Bergur Rønne Moberg:
"Resten i Vesten. Verdenslitteratur i modernismens margin"
"Perspektiver på Henrik Stangerup - og andre nordiske forfattere".
(~ The rest in the Occident. World literature in the margins of modernism.
Perspectives on Henrik Stangerup - and other nordic authors)

Louise Zeuthen:
"Krukke. En biografi om Suzanne Brøgger"
(~Poseur. A biography on Suzanne Brøgger)

Bente Rosenbeck:
"Har videnskaben køn? Kvinder i forskning".
(~Does science have a gender? Women in research)

Brian Lystgaard Due:
"Ideudvikling - en multimodal tilgang til innovationens kreative faser" 
(~ Development of ideas - a multimodal approach to the creative phases of innovation)

Sune Auken and Christel Sunesen (eds):
”Grundtvig og genrerne”
(~ Grundtvig and the genres)

Palle Schantz Lauridsen:
"Sherlock Holmes i Danmark" 
(~ Sherlock Holmes in Denmark)

Christina Fogtmann:
"Forståelsens psykologi. Mentalisering
i teori og praksis"
(~ The psychology of understanding. Mentalization in theory and praxis)

"Organisationskommunikation. Teori og cases om tekst og tale"
(~ Communication in organisations. Theory and cases on text and speech)
Chapters by Mie Femø Nielsen, Klaus Kjøller, Frans Gregersen and Gitte Gravengaard (DNSL).

"Forskningsmetoder i journalistik og politisk kommunikation".
(~ Research methods in journalism and political communication)
Chapters by Gitte Gravengaard (DNSL)

Janus Spindler Møller and Lian Malai Madsen (eds):
"Globalisering, sprogning og normativitet - online og offline"
(~ Globalisation, languaging and normativity - online and offline)
Vol. 70 of Københavnerstudier i tosprogethed (Copenhagen Studies in Bilingualism)

Knud Wentzel:
"Der Goldene Apfel. Die Wirklichkeit des Volksmärchens".
(~ The Golden Apple. The reality of folktales)