Birgit Eggert

Birgit Eggert

Associate Professor

2012-         Associate professor at the Department of Scandinavian Research, Name Research Section, University of Copenhagen.

2008–2012 Assistant Professor at the Department of Scandinavian Research, Name Research Section, University of Copenhagen.

2005–2007 Research assistant at the Department of Scandinavian Research, Name Research Section, University of Copenhagen.

2006          PhD at the University of Copenhagen

2003–2005 PhD scholar at the Department of Scandinavian Research, Name Research Section, University of Copenhagen.

2003          Master of Arts in Nordic Philology at the University of Copenhagen

2000–2002 Student assistant for academic work at the Institute of Name Research, University of Copenhagen

1998–2001 Student assistant for academic work at the Dictionary of Old Norse Prose, The Arnamagnaean Commission’s dictionary.



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