Kasper Boye

Kasper Boye


Education record

2006          Ph.D., English, Germanic and Romance Studies, Univ. of Copenhagen

2002          MA, Danish and Linguistics, Univ. of Southern Denmark

Employment record

2012-         Ass. prof., Dept. of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Univ. of Copenhagen

2012          Lecturer, Dept. of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Univ. of Copenhagen

2010-2011  Temp. ass. prof., LANCHART, Univ. of Copenhagen

2007-2010  Postdoc, Dept. of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, Univ. of Copenhagen

2002           Lecturer, Danish, Roskilde University

2002           Research assistant, Department of Russian, Copenhagen Business School


2012           Silvermedal of The Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters

Editorial posts

2009-          Acta Linguistica Hafniensia (published by the Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen)

2006-          Mål og Mæle (popular-scientific journal of linguistics)

1998-2000   Synsvinkler (published by University of Southern Denmark)

Current membership of linguistic associations

As president:                          The Linguistic Circle of Copenhagen

As committee member:            Danish Functional Linguistics

As ordinary member:               Association for Linguistic Typology

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