Lina Henriksen

Lina Henriksen

Research consultant

  1. Published

    "Fear the Night Sky!”: On the Nightvalian Void and an Ethics of Risk: Podcasting between Weather and the Void

    Henriksen, Lina, 2018, Critical Approaches to Welcome to Night Vale: Podcasting between Weather and the Void. Winestock, J. A. (ed.). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 121-132 13 p.

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook chapterResearchpeer-review

  2. Published

    eTranslation TermBank: stimulating the collection of terminological resources for automated translation: Proceedings of the XVIII EURALEX International Congress

    Gornostaja, T., Auksoriūtė, A., Dahlberg, S., Domeij, R., van Dorrestein, M., Hallberg, K., Henriksen, L., Kallas, J., Krek, S., Lagzdiņš, A., Lilles, K., Mitkevičienė, A., Olsen, S., Pedersen, B. S., Pesliakaitė, E., Povlsen, C., Repar, A., Rozis, R., Sauberer, G., Thorbergsdóttir, Á. & 4 others, Vasiļjevs, A., Vasiļevskis, A., Vaus, M. & Zabarskaitė, J., 2018, p. 52. 54 p.

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearchpeer-review

ID: 1439476