Åndsautomaten, eller ideernes materialitet. Ideologiteoretiske ressourcer hos Spinoza

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperResearchpeer-review

“[M]atrixen for enhver mulig teori om ideologi” kan findes i appendixet til første bog af Etikken (1677), skal man tro Althusser. Her forklarer Spinoza hvordan mennesket ‘vender naturen på hovedet’ og bilder sig ind at være en fantastisk undtagelse fra den lovprægede natur. Imidlertid kan man finde materiale til at tænke ideologi andre steder i Spinozas værk. Med afsæt i Etikken (og til dels TIE), der skelner mellem ‘tænkning’ og ‘udstrækning’ som forskellige måder at forstå virkeligheden på, vil jeg pege på to interessante elementer til en ideologiteori, der begge beror på at vi sætter parentes om spørgsmålet om sandhed, og i stedet interesserer os for relationer internt til idesfæren. Dels et analyseredskab, der angår ideens årsag eller grund; dels en pragmatisk orienteret strategi, der angår dens virkning.
I sin adskillelse af attributterne blokerer den spinozistiske metafysik for at tænke ideologi som en afledt ‘refleks’ af de materielle betingelser, og opfordrer i stedet til at undersøge kausale strukturer blandt ideerne selv. Ved hjælp af begrebet om den adækvate ide vil jeg identificere tre ‘ideologiske figurer’, der eksemplificerer det element af forvrængning, der er på spil i ideologiske konstruktioner, uden at søge tilflugt i kategorierne sand/falsk og dermed forblive i et spørgsmål om korrespondens mellem ideer og ting. Dernæst vil jeg – i forlængelse af Hasana Sharps begreb om renaturalisering (2011) – pege på hvordan en materialistisk kritik bør udvides til at omfatte tænkningen selv således at ideer og ideologiske komplekser vurderes ud fra deres affektive virkninger. Ved en sådan spinozistisk indstilling flyttes fokus væk fra ideer som afbildninger og hen imod deres produktive kraft i en affektiv økonomi.
Translated title of the contributionThe Spiritual Automaton, or the Materiality of Ideas. Spinozist Resources for a Theory of Ideology
Original languageDanish
Publication date1 Sep 2017
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sep 2017
Externally publishedYes
EventMarx Nu! - Roskilde Universitet, Roskilde, Denmark
Duration: 1 Sep 20172 Sep 2017
Conference number: 2


ConferenceMarx Nu!
LocationRoskilde Universitet
OtherLast year, the Danish Society for Marxist Studies (Selskab for Marxistiske Studier) held its first annual conference “Marx Now! 2016” at Aarhus University. It was clear that the so-called ‘Marxist turn’ has also taken hold at the Danish universities. The interest in Marx, the Marxist tradition, and other critical research traditions is growing amongst researchers and students as evidenced by the many presentations and participants<br/><br/>Society for Marxist Studies is a part of this development and will continue to contribute in 2017!<br/><br/>We therefore invite all critical researchers and students to participate in and contribute to the conference Marx Now! 2017 at Roskilde University, Denmark, on September 1-2 2017.<br/><br/>The aim of the annual conference is to create an academic fixture for critical research at Danish universities. The term “Marxist” should therefore be understood in the broadest and most inclusive manner, so as to include, for instance, those traditions and thinkers that on the periphery of the Marxist tradition, address it, or have something interesting to say about it. The decisive factor is whether they display an emancipatory impulse and critical tendency – and not whether they pledge allegiance to a specific thinker or established canon.<br/><br/>2017 is a year of anniversaries: it has been 150 years since Karl Marx published the first volume of Das Kapital, it is 100 years since revolutionaries seized power in Russia, and it is 100 years since Denmark sold the Danish West Indies to the USA. We are highly interested in presentations addressing these topics.<br/><br/>However, we are also very interested in other topics, and topics for presentations might include social movements, right-wing populism, neoliberalism, workers’ movements, anti-colonial struggles, globalization, climate change, racism, media, class analyses, sexism, ideology critique, art, literature, and revolution.<br/><br/>Send your abstract of 200-300 words to info@marxistiskestudier.com before July 1. Presentations can be in Danish or English.<br/><br/>Society for Marxist Studies (SMS) is a scientific organisation dedicated to promoting research in and inspired by Marx and the entire tradition of thought, which springs from his theories. “Marxist” should thus be understood in the broadest possible sense. SMS does not adhere to any particular theoretical or political position. The society holds an annual conference and aims to transcend the narrow disciplinary boundaries of academia, which never could contain Marxism. <br/>
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