Matthew James Driscoll

Matthew James Driscoll


  1. 2019
  2. Udgivet

    Herdís & Ólína: The Poetry of Everyday Life

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2019, Shaping the rings of the Scandinavian fellowship: Festschrift in honour of Ērika Sausverde . Steponavičiūtė Aleksiejūnienė, I. & Vaicekauskienė, L. (red.). Vilnius: Vilnius University Press, s. 21-37 17 s. (Scandinavistica Vilnensis, Bind 14).

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  3. Udgivet

    The genesis of the Arnamagnæan method

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2019, I: Storie e linguaggi: Rivista di studi umanistici . 5, 1, s. 83-91 9 s.

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  4. Udgivet

    The paper manuscript in post-medieval Iceland

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 2019, Paper and the paper manuscript: A context for the transmission of Gaelic literature. Ó Macháin, P. (red.). Cork: Cló Torna, s. 8-20 13 s. 2

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  5. Udgivet

    The French connection: Some Icelandic translations of French literature in manuscript and print, ca. 1400-1900

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 8 feb. 2019, I: Tabularia. s. 1-24 24 s.

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  6. Udgivet

    The Rev. James Johnstone, septentrionalist and man of mystery

    Driscoll, Matthew James, 30 sep. 2019, From text to artefact: Studies in honour of Anne Mette Hansen. Kapitan, K. A., Stegmann, B. & Vrieland, S. D. (red.). Leeds: Kismet Press LLP, s. 5-17 13 s. (Manuscript Studies, Bind 1).

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