Soul and Selfie


The selfies are positive. They are playful, ironic, and very informal. The play with roles and identity, and they can be a way and chance to seek out new opportunities in being. Furthermore, they are social in the sense that you want a feed back from others; they are not narcissistic. Narcissism you can get in front of a mirror. The selfies want and need the social feedback become a selfie. A selfie is like any other self-portrait a sign to the outside world of approval or recognition.

The selfies are positive. They are playful, ironic, and very informal. The play with roles and identity, and they can be a way and chance to seek out new opportunities in being. Furthermore, they are social in the sense that you want a feed back from others; they are not narcissistic. Narcissism you can get in front of a mirror. The selfies want and need the social feedback become a selfie. A selfie is like any other self-portrait a sign to the outside world of approval or recognition. S


  • Selfier, healthies, usies, felfies, selvportrætter, ny teknologi, sociale medier, æstetik, anerkendelse, subjektivitet, at skabe sig selv som billede, tillid , selfies, healthies, mirror, identity, body, soul, aesthetics, media, recognition

ID: 175228372