
  1. Udgivet

    Critical report of current fisheries management measures implemented for the North Sea mixed demersal fisheries

    Nielsen, J. R., Ulrich, C., Hegland, T. J., de Voss, B., Thøgersen, T. T., Bastardie, F., Goti, L., Eigaard, O. R. & Kindt-Larsen, L., 2013, Charlottenlund: DTU Aqua. 80 s. (DTU Aqua Report ; Nr. 263-2013).

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportRapportForskning

  2. Udgivet

    Rebuilding of the North Sea cod stock with special reference to the impact of ITQ management systems

    Andersen, Jesper Levring, Frost, Hans Staby & Ravensbeck, L., 2011, Economics of rebuilding fisheries: Case studies of fisheries rebuilding plans. Organisation for Economic Cooporation and Development, OECD, Bind 2. s. 180-201 22 s.

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