Seminar i anledning af Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersens 70 års fødselsdag

Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen

Vi fejrer Elisabeths Engberg-Pedersens 70-års fødselsdag med et forskningsseminar. Seminaret vil bestå af sprogvidenskabelige oplæg inden for Elisabeths forskningsinteresser, herunder tegnsprogsgrammatik og kognitiv-funktionel lingvistik. Seminarets hovedtaler er professor Wendy Sandler fra University of Haifa, der vil tale om, hvordan nye tegnsprog opstår. Der vil desuden være oplæg fra Elisabeths kolleger på NorS.  

Seminaret afsluttes med en reception fra kl. 17.30

Alle er velkomne til at deltage i det gratis arrangement, men deltagelse kræver tilmelding. Tilmeld dig via linket nederst på siden.

For nærmere information kontakt Rikke Vang Christensen.


13.01 Velkomst
13.05 Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa) The Grammar of the Body and the ABC's of the Language Faculty (abstract nedenfor)
14.30 Pause
15.00 Mads Nielsen (KU) Getting a grip of intentionality. An argument for the limited importance of mental representation in social understanding in general and autism in particular
15.30 Ditte Boeg Thomsen & Mads Nielsen (KU) Cognitive correlates of Associated Motion: Language, memory and visual processing in speakers of Nahuatl
16.00 Pause
16.15 Kasper Boye & Peter Harder (KU) A typology of basic linguistic signs, and a phylogenetic hypothesis
16.45 Nicolai Pharao & John Tøndering (KU) Elisabeth's contribution to Danish phonetics og undervisningen på lingvistik
17.30- Reception


Wendy Sandler (University of Haifa): The Grammar of the Body and the ABC's of the Language Faculty

Sign languages teach us that humans have the capacity to create language in two different physical modalities. What can we learn from this dual capacity? In this talk, I support the idea that the body-to-grammar correspondence of sign languages shows us the ABCs of language form and emergence. Sign languages allow us to see directly the Analytic properties shared with spoken languages. By tracking the Body-grammar correspondence in young sign languages, we witness the emergence of linguistic form. Different types of communities show the effect of Culture1 on this emergence path. And finally, Culture2, in the form of sign language theatre, spotlights the range of linguistic expression by stretching it to its limits and beyond.


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Tilmeldingsfrist torsdag den 18. august.