I den gode smags tjeneste: Den gastronomiske bevægelse i danske trykte kogebøger 1950-70

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  • Caroline Nyvang
This article examines the distinctive expression of the gastronomic movement as it was presented in Danish cookbooks printed in the years 1950 to 1973. In the article I approach gastronomy as a fluid concept, which took form and gained momentum as a response to the perceived threats of canned foodstuffs, effortless cooking and overly embellished dishes. The article argues that the pursuit of pleasure and taste particular to the Danish cookbooks at the time, can be viewed as a form of consumer empowerment, emphasizing cooking as a cultural and political practice.
TidsskriftTidsskrift for Kulturforskning
Udgave nummer3-4
Sider (fra-til)64-81
Antal sider18
StatusUdgivet - jan. 2014

ID: 93592809