Professional responsibility for patient welfare. Is it possible to legislate pharmaceutical care?

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Objective: To evaluate a new drug distribution legislation in Iceland from the perspective of community pharmacy practitioners. Method: Focus group discussions with community pharmacists were held 19 months after the new legislation came into effect. Setting: One group met in Reykjavik and one rural group met at a conference outside the capital area. Key findings: Professional responsibility for the patient's welfare has changed due to the legislation. Pharmacists now have less time for patient care and face new ethical dilemmas due to discount wars. There are differences in how pharmacists tackle these challenges. Conclusion: Such a radical shift in professional focus as we find in the concept and practice of Pharmaceutical Care, is not viable when imposed on the profession. On the contrary our data illustrates that a successful change in practice must come from within the profession itself.

TidsskriftJournal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy
Udgave nummer2
Sider (fra-til)45-50
Antal sider6
StatusUdgivet - 1 jan. 2001

ID: 187555943