The research in Danish covers studies of Danish and the other Scandinavian languages, literature and media, didactics, communication, innovation, edition philology and cultural communication.
Litterature researchers read texts analytically and historically and are interested in their creation, publication and receipt, or their relation to genre, tradition, ideas and international authorships. This may concern the works of Kierkegaard, Blixen's self-understanding, or the relation between the factual and the fictive in contemporary texts and happenings.
The language researchers investigate contemporary and historical spoken and written language, from both theoretical and practical viewpoints. Some of the research areas are: language in the media, language and information technology, everyday conversations, Danish as a foreign language and second language, youth language, political language use, linguistic convention formation and linguistic socialisation.
Media researchers work especially with film, TV, photography and social media. Although Danish media command a central position, in an increasingly more global media world this also involves both international media and international theory. In concrete terms, the subject's media researchers are engaged, for example, in image aesthetics and visual communication, digital media, Danish films and TV series, cross-mediality and the development of media theory and analysis.
Communication researchers investigate contemporary communication in Denmark, its various spheres and genres, and the typical communication problems within both written and verbal communication. It is characteristic that the researchers combine their theoretically oriented academic research with their research into how the knowledge thereby produced is best applied to advising companies, organisations, media and professions.