Linguistic encoding of spatial orientation - use of cardinal directions in Danish dialects

Activity: Talk or presentation typesLecture and oral contribution

Henrik Hovmark - Lecturer

The use of cardinal directions (north, south, east, west) in the linguistic encoding of spatial orientation is well-known and has been subject to thorough studies within recent years, not least by Levinson and colleagues (cf. for instance Levinson 2003, and the description of three “frames of references” in the conceptualization of space, intrinsic, absolute and relative, relating the use of cardinal directions to the absolute frame of reference; cf. also a slightly different typology by Talmy (2000.I:213), relating the use of cardinal directions to a “field-based” localizing of the figure, i.e. localizing on the basis of an “encompassive secondary reference object”). In this presentation I discuss the use of cardinal directions in Danish, especially Danish dialects. Data stem from dialectal archives and modern corpora of written and spoken language.
13 Jun 2013

Event (Conference)

TitleFourth Conference of the Scandinavian Association for Cognitive Linguistics
Abbreviated titleSALC
LocationUniversity of Eastern Finland

ID: 49800815