2024.12.02 New book on the history of the Danish language Thomas Olander’s book Dansk fra nutiden til stenalderen [Danish from the present to the Stone Age]…
2024.10.08 New book: Sub-Indo-European Europe New book published (Open Access): Guus Kroonen (ed.). 2024. Sub-Indo-European Europe:…
2024.09.23 Tobias Mosbæk Søborg featured at videnskab.dk Tobias Mosbæk Søborg, who holds a PhD degree from the Roots of Europe centre and is now a postdoc a…
2024.09.20 Thomas Olander elected vice president of the Society for Indo-European Studies At the General Assembly of the Society for Indo-European Studies in Basel on 10 September 2024,…
2024.09.15 New book: Power, gender, and mobility New book out! Power, gender, and mobility: Aspects of Indo-European society. Edited by Riccardo…
2024.08.16 New PhD student at Roots of Europe: Tore Rovs Kristoffersen On 1 September 2024, the Roots of Europe centre will have a new PhD student: Tore Rovs…
2024.08.16 The Indo-European Dark Ages Illuminated: new research project The Indo-European Dark Ages Illuminated: new research project
2024.08.16 New book: Indo-European interfaces The volume Indo-European interfaces: Integrating linguistics, mythology and archaeology has been…
2024.05.31 To gamle studiekammerater forsvarer deres ph.d.-afhandling inden for samme uge Rasmus Gudmundsen Bjørn og Mikkel Nørtoft Johansen, begge kandidater i Indoeuropæisk fra NorS, har…
Podcast 2024.01.03 eLetter featured in the »Indo-European News« podcast episode The eLetter in Science written by many of the Copenhagen Roots in response to the controversial…
Podcast 2024.01.03 New chart-topping Italian podcast “L'invasione” on the Indo-Europeans – featuring Birgit Rasmussen Birgit Rasmussen has been interviewed for the chart-toping Italian podcast L'invasione on…
Formidling 2023.11.22 Copenhagen Roots contribute to Bronze Age novel Bjarne, Anders, Thomas and Birgit helped author Kristian Bang Foss with linguistic input from Bronz…
2023.11.12 eLetter to Science: Archaeolinguistic anachronisms in the Indo-European phylogeny of Heggarty et al. 2023 Reserachers from Roots of Europe have responded to the conclusions of Heggarty et al. 2023 in an…
2023.11.10 Johan Ulrik Nielsen is awarded the Gold Medal for his Prize dissertation 🥇 Indo-Europeanist Johan Ulrik Nielsen finishes his MA with a prize dissertation - and he was awarded…
2023.09.01 IE-CoR is published - and Matthew Scarborough was a great part of it The Indo-European Cognate Relations Database is published after several years of hard work. Postdoc…
2023.08.11 Julia Sturm featured in ERC news Postdoc Julia Sturm was features in ERC News article with prof. Michaël Peyrot, Leiden University.
2023.06.27 Matthew Scarborough receives Marie Curie fellowship Matthew Scarborough has been awarded a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowship for…
2023.05.04 New book: The Indo-European Puzzle Revisited New book edited by Kristian Kristiansen, Guus Kroonen and Eske Willerslev.
2023.04.23 New book: The Aeolic Dialects of Ancient Greek Matthew Scarborough's book on the classification of the Aeolic dialects of Greek is out now!
2022.09.21 New book: The Indo-European language family New book on the Indo-European language family.
2022.06.18 Tobias Mosbæk Søborg receives internationalisation scholarship from Carlsberg We are happy and proud to announce that Dr. Tobias Mosbæk Søborg, member of the Roots of Europe…
2022.03.23 Tobias Mosbæk Søborg’s PhD dissertation receives prize from the Indogermanische Gesellschaft In February 2021 Tobias Mosbæk Søborg defended his PhD dissertation, Sigmatic verbal formations in…
New member of Roots of Europe 2022.03.01 Nicolas Jansens on research stay with Roots of Europe From 1 March to 31 May 2022 Nicolas Jansens from the University of Heidelberg is at a research stay…
New member of Roots of Europe 2022.02.01 Matthew Scarborough new postdoc at Connecting the Dots project On 1 February Matthew Scarborough started as a new postdoc at the Connecting the Dots project. He…
2021.04.12 Prizes from the Indogermanische Gesellschaft The Indogermanische Gesellschaft has announced the prizes for the best theses in Indo-European…
2021.04.12 Seminar course on “Indo-European Poetics and Mythology” by Riccardo Ginevra This semester former Roots of Europe researcher Riccardo Ginevra is going to teach an…
2021.03.03 Two new postdocs have been awarded a Marie Curie-Skƚodowska scholarship Roots of Europe welcomes Julia Sturm from Harvard University and Corinna Scheungraber from the…
2019.12.18 Project Connecting the Dots has received a grant of 6.2 million DKK Thomas Olander, associate professor at the Roots of Europe centre, has received a grant of 6.2…
2019.12.18 Laura Massetti has received a scholarship of DKK 700.000 from the Carlsberg Foundation Foundation Visiting Fellowships at the University of Oxford for the project Hermes – God of Fire.…
2019.10.23 Customs and Cultural Differences in the Academic Environment Guus Kroonen, Professor with special responsibilities at Indo-European Studies, share his story…
2019.10.17 Great New Project in Collaboration with Stockholm University Million funding to the research project Myths of Prehistory: Unravelling the Speech and Beliefs of…
2019.10.17 Launch of the Official Roots of Europe Facebook Page An official facebook page for the research centre Roots of Europe has been created. Here different…
2019.10.01 Hjelmslev as Name of the Month Names in Denmark at University of Copenhagen have this month focused on the name Hjelmslev in their…
2019.09.24 New Intern at Roots of Europe From september 24th – november 18th will Pernille Østman be attached to Roots of Europe Research…
2019.09.01 Ordinary Professorship to Indo-European Studies It is with great pleasure we announce that Birgit Anette Rasmussen (Olsen) from the first of…
2019.09.01 New Research Project Thomas Olander’s research project Connecting the Dots: Reconfiguring the Indo-European family tree…
2019.08.28 New Book out Tracing the Indo-Europeans: New evidence from archaeology and historical linguistics, edited by…
2019.06.15 First and Third Prize to Indo-Europeanists from University of Copenhagen At the annual prize competition for the best Master’s thesis by the Society for Indo‑European…
2019.06.14 New Professorship at Indo-European Studies Guus Kroonen has been granted the title Professor with special responsibilities. Congratulations…
Research 2019.02.28 New Marie Skłodowska Curie-fellow at Roots of Europe The Austrian linguist Stefan Höfler has been granted a two-year Marie Skłodowska Curie scholarship…
Article 2018.12.26 Ancient languages read aloud Thomas Olander contributes to the expansion of knowledge about anicent and dead languages by readin…
2018.07.31 First and second place to Indo-Europeanists from University of Copenhagen At the annual prize competition for the best Master’s thesis by the Society for Indo-European…
2018.06.29 Launch of "The Homeland Timeline Map" Mikkel Nørtoft has launched his interactive map of prehistoric migrations.
Article 2018.06.14 A Step Closer to the Urheimat Videnskab.dk has talked to Guus Kroonen about some of the linguistic results of the…
Indo-European languages 2018.05.09 New research shows how Indo-European languages spread across Asia A new study has discovered that horses were first domesticated by descendants of hunter-gatherer…
2018.05.01 New postdoc Laura Massetti Laura Massetti started as a Marie Sklodowska Curie-fellow on her project “Family Myths: Phraseology…
2017.12.05 Gold Medal for Rasmus Gudmundsen Bjørn At the UCPH Annual Commemoration 17 November Rasmus Gudmundsen Bjørn was awarded a Gold Medal for…
2017.12.05 Research grant for James Alan Johnson from the Wenner Green Foundation With the funding, James Johnson will be able to carry through excavations in Russia and have the…
2017.09.04 New project member at “Homeland” project Mikkel Nørtoft is employed as a research assistant at the “Homeland” project from 1 September 2017…
Article 2017.07.20 Birgit Anette Olsen (Rasmussen) Featured in Danish Newspaper The Danish news paper Kristeligt Dagblad has as a part of their series 'The World's best Danes' mad…
Article 2016.12.08 Finnish and Indo-European Bjarne Simmelkjær Hansen and Adam Hyllested explain how the Finnish language differentiates from…
2016.12.07 Prize Paper from DNSL Honored at the Annual Commemoration 2016 At the University´s Annual Commemoration on November 18th 2016, the University awarded a silver…
2016.09.15 New Researchers at Roots of Europe Two new postdoctoral researchers will be based at Center for Roots of Europe from 2016.
Article 2016.05.27 The Worth of a Historical Linguist Bjarne Simmelkjær Hansen has been interviewed by UniAvisen where he tells about how historical…
2016.02.25 Indo-European Studies in the Press Two articles regarding Indo-European Studies demonstrate the interdisciplinary co-operation in the…
2015.11.16 Proto-Slavic Inflectional Morphology On October 9th Associate Professor Thomas Olander defended his doctoral dissertation ”Proto-Slavic…
2015.11.11 New publication examines the linguistic roots of Europe The publishing house Museum Tusculanum has released “The Linguistic Roots of Europe”.
2015.06.05 Job announcement: postdoctoral researcher in Archaeology A position as a postdoctoral researcher in archaeology has been announced. The position is part of…
2014.09.21 PhD defence and new postdoc by Adam Hyllested On 12 September 2014 Adam Hyllested defended his PhD thesis Word Exchange at the Gates of Europe:…
2014.07.05 PhD defence and new postdoc by Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen On the 20 June 2014 Bjarne Simmelkjær Sandgaard Hansen defended his PhD thesis Archaisms and…
2014.04.12 New professor Birgit Anette Rasmussen blev pr. 1/7-2014 ansat som professor mso ved faget Indoeuroæisk og…
Article 2014.01.20 The Tale of Ale Adam Hyllested takes on the role as expert as he answers a question about the word 'ale' in a Q&A…
2013.08.26 VELUX-funded research project The new three years research project Individual, kin and family in prehistoric Europe - what words…
New book 2013.06.28 New book: Indo-European accent and ablaut The book Indo-European accentology and ablaut has just been published at Museum Tusculanum Press.
2013.05.21 Funeral service for Jens Elmegård Rasmussen The service will be held at 1.30 PM on Tuesday 28 May at 1.30 PM at Allehelgens Kirke, Ungarnsgade…
2013.05.16 Jens Elmegård Rasmussen 15 March 1944 - 15 May 2013 On 15 May, our research group was greatly saddened by the passing of our project leader, Jens…
2013.01.07 Videos available The video recordings from 'Tracing the Indo-Europeans: Origin and migration' are now available…
2012.06.25 Benedicte Nielsen Whitehead has successfully defended her Ph.d. dissertation in Leiden 26 April 2012 26 April 2012 Benedicte Nielsen Whitehead defended her Ph.d. thesis on pickpocket compounds from…
2012.04.09 New publication The sound of Indo-European – phonetics, phonemics, and morphophonemics has recently been published…
2011.03.10 Etymology and the European Lexicon: Call for Papers We are pleased to announce that the 14th Congress (Fachtagung) of the Indogermanische Gesellschaft …
2010.07.15 Bjarne Sandgaard Hansen appointed as Ph.D. fellow As of 1 September 2010, Bjarne Sandgaard Hansen has been appointed as a Ph.D. fellow at Roots of…
2010.07.08 Guus Kroonen new postdoctoral scholar As of 1 December 2010, Guus Kroonen is a postdoctoral scholar at Roots of Europe.
2010.07.01 Roots of Europe gets deputy head of centre As of 1 July 2010, associate professor, DPhil Birgit Anette Rasmussen (Olsen) has been appointed…
2010.07.01 Oliver Simkin new postdoctoral scholar As of 1 July 2010, Oliver Simkin is a postdoctoral scholar at Roots of Europe.
2009.09.10 New features on the homepage Roots of Europe's homepage has recently been enriched with some new features.
2009.03.17 Postponement of block seminar Benedicte Nielsen's block seminar on nominal composition has been postponed to the autumn term.
2009.02.06 Adam Hyllested appointed as Ph.D. fellow As of 1 February 2009, Adam Hyllested has been appointed as a Ph.D. fellow within Roots of Europe.
2009.01.07 Jenny Larsson assigned ass. prof. at Stockhom University Ph.D. Jenny Helena Larsson has been assigned associate professor of Baltic languages at the…
2008.12.20 Report from guest lecture and opening reception On 5 September 2008, the opening of the centre was marked officially by a celebratory guest lecture…
2008.11.27 Forthcoming deadline The deadline for registration of participation in the international conference The Sound of…
2008.10.20 Change of hours of Jenny Helena Larsson's block seminar The scheduled hours of Jenny Helena Larsson's block seminar entitled Introduction to…
2008.09.10 New homepage The homepage of the research project Roots of Europe - Language, Culture, and Migrations has now…
2008.07.01 A new research project is launched Launching of the research project Roots of Europe - Language, Culture, and Migrations.