Jacob Thøgersen

Jacob Thøgersen

Associate Professor

Primary fields of research

Language and language attitudes
Discourses and discourse analysis
Dissemination, intelligibility and comprehensibility
Language change and language variation
Media language and media language norms
Interviews as research method
Language policy and language ideologies
Danish and English as working languages
Inter-nordic communication and Nordic ideologies


I teach at the programme of Psychology of Language and the programme of Danish. At Danish, I have primarly taught Language 1, Orthography and Phonetics, Norm and Vartiation. At Psychology of Language, I have taught the courses "The psychology of language as a basis for academic and professional communication" and "Introduction to the psychology of language, the interdisciplinary foundation".

I supervise BA projects and MA theses in a wide range of topics within the psychology of language and (sociol)linguistics.

ID: 3169429