Jens Bjerring-Hansen

Jens Bjerring-Hansen

Associate Professor, Associate Professor - Promotion Programme

Member of:

    Primary fields of research

    17th, 18th, 19th and 20th century literature.

    For the time being: Scandinavian Modernism / 'The modern breakthrough' and Georg Brandes.

    Fields of interest

    Literary & cultural history

    The history of the book and the sociology of literature

    DH, Digital literary studies, AI


    Current research

    My current research revolves around a digital exploration of the Modern Breakthrough in Scandinavia in an interdisciplinary framework between literature, language and computer science. This involves the development of statistical and computational methods for text reading and, not least, a discussion of their relevance and scope.

    I am currently involved in the following research projects




    Teaching and supervision in literary history, modern literature and literary theory in the Danish program.

    ID: 32019307