Textual Scholarship
Literary studies and linguistics concern working with texts, but commonly as bearers of specific information – an item of knowledge, an opinion, a message, a style, a language of symbols, a rhythm, rhymes, and so on. In textual scholarship, we turn our attention directly to the texts as phenomena and study their origin, transmission and transposition from one medium to another (i.e. from manuscript to print, or from printed books to electronic texts).
Textual scholarship in this context serves as a collective designation for several related disciplines:
- Scholarly editing (the science of the publishing of literary works and documents)
- Book and media history (specifically, the history of textual media)
- Digital text theory
- Sociology of literature
- History of libraries and reading
Read more about textual scholarship.
- Providing a systematic scholarly exchange between researchers and teachers within the field of Textual Scholarship at the department
- Raising awareness of textual scholarship within the department and in the world at large
- Facilitating the organisation of networks for individual and collective projects within textual scholarship
- Ensuring the best possible organisation of the communication of textual scholarly competencies within the department to the outside world
- Providing continuous teaching within textual scholarly disciplines
A Critical Edition of The Works of Danish Playwright and satirist Johan Herman Wessel (1742-85)
Henrik Blicher, edition. The first part of the edition is Wessel’s mock-tragedy Love Without Stockings (Kierlighed uden Strømper, 1772).
Critical edition of Peter Seeberg’s prose fiction
Contact: Anders Juhl Rasmussen
Danish under digital study (DUDS)
Contact: Dorthe Duncker and Hanne Ruus.
Dansk Editionshistorie (Danish Edition History)
Contact: Johnny Kondrup
Digital edition of the nine oldest Danish ballad books (1550-91)
Contact: Dorthe Duncker and Hanne Ruus.
Echo over the Atlantic
Contact: Bergur Rønne Moberg
Grundtvigs Værker (Grundtvig's Works)
Contact: Krista Stinne Greve Rasmussen
Hans Christian Andersen’s Fairy Tales and Stories – the digital manuscript edition part one
(2020-2025) Ane Grum-Schwensen & Holger Berg, digital editing project
Karen Blixen. Værker (Karen Blixen. Works)
Contact: Henrik Blicher
Scandinavian Poetry and Social Community
Michael Kallesøe Schmidt et al., research project
Script and Text in Time and Space
Anne Mette Hansen, Alex Speed Kjeldsen et al., interdisciplinary digital editing project
The Labyrinth to be Continued – an Edition of Jens Baggesen’s Travel Diaries 1789-91
Cf. Presentation on occasion of the author’s 250 year jubilee celebration in 2014 (in Danish): and the editor’s preliminary thoughts on the edition (in Danish).
See list of completed projects.
The research group has many collaborators such as: SAXO Institute and Department of Informations Studies (both University of Copenhagen), Det Danske Sprog- og Litteraturselskab, The Royal Library, and other Danish and international universities (Aarhus, Lund, Uppsala, Zürich and Basel) and large-scale scholarly editions (Grundtvigs Værker, Ludvig Holbergs Skrifter and others).
UCPH scholars
Name | Title | Phone | |
Benne, Christian | Professor | +4535330085 | |
Bjerring-Hansen, Jens | Associate Professor - Promotion Programme | +4535331905 | |
Blicher, Henrik | Associate Professor | +4535328315 | |
Driscoll, Matthew James | Professor | +4535328471 | |
Duncker, Dorthe | Professor | +4535328374 | |
Hansen, Anne Mette | Associate Professor | +4535328713 | |
Jelsbak, Torben | Associate Professor | +4535331224 | |
Kjeldsen, Alex Speed | Associate Professor | +4553600121 | |
Kondrup, Johnny | Professor | +4535328363 | |
Skriver, Svend | Associate professor, Head of Studies | +4535328345 |
External scholars
- Holger Berg
- Ane Grum-Schwensen
- Kartarzyna Anna Kapitan
- Michael Kallesøe Schmidt
- Anders Juhl Rasmussen
- Krista S.G. Rasmussen
- Lasse Stein Holst
Email: xsk733@alumni.ku.dk - Katja Gottlieb
Email: tbz958@alumni.ku.dk
Research group leader
Professor Johnny Kondrup,
e-mail: kondrup@hum.ku.dk