
The strength of audiologopedic research lies in the applied linguistics. It is thus directed especially at linguistic descriptions of language difficulties, their reasons and possible remedies. This shared focus gives good opportunities for both formal and informal collaboration between researchers. o a great extent, the research is cross-scientific and usually combines basic research with applied research.

Spoken language difficulties is a large research and work field, among other things this involves research in:

  • Voice disorders, voice quality and voice use, for example, the speech function and voice of use of persons with nodules on the vocal cords are investigated.
  • Aspects of children's speech and language development, for example when they have difficulty expressing themselves and perhaps find it hard to use the right inflections of the words, or when they have language comprehension difficulties, or are born with cleft palates.
  • Adults' linguistic and communicative difficulties following brain damage. The focus is not only on the difficulties as such, as the research also concerns the consequences of these difficulties for conversation in practice and also for e.g. returning to the labour marke

Centre for Reading Research

For the last 20 years, research in reading and spelling has been organised in Centre for Reading Research. The work of the Centre for Reading Research gives scope for many students to take part in research projects in the course of their studies.