Concluded projects
The researchers in the research group have been engaged in the following concluded projects:
Impact of syllable stress and phonetic context on the distribution of intermittent aphonia
Researchers: Jenny Iwarsson and Julie Fredsø Andersen
Language and Cognition - Perspectives from Impairment (LaCPI)
Researchers: Elisabeth Engberg-Pedersen, Rikke Vang Christensen, Hanne Trebbien Daugaard and Ditte Boeg Thomsen.
Inference making and reading comprehension difficulties (PhD-thesis)
Researcher: Hanne Trebbien Daugaard
Intelligibility of single words in 3-year-old children with and without cleft palate
Researchers: Mads Poulsen og Elisabeth Willadsen
A restricted test of single word intelligibility in 3-year-old children with and without cleft palate.
Researcher: Elisabeth Willadsen
Past tense morphology by Danish children with language impairment.
PhD thesis by Rikke Vang Christensen
Effects of consensus training on the reliability of auditory perceptual ratings.
Researchers: Jenny Iwarsson og Niels Reinholt Petersen
Development of a Danish version of Supported Conversation for Adults with Aphasia (Kagan 1998)
Researchers: The project is directed by Lise Randrup Jensen and carried out by speech-language therapists at Center for Rehabilitation of Brain Injury. The project has been funded by the Danish Health Insurance Foundation and by the Jascha Foundation.
Prosody perception by postlingually-deafened cochlear implant recipients. PhD project
Researcher: David Morris
Musical and speech perceptual abilities of cochlear implant listeners after a music appreciation course
Researchers: David Morris, Kirsten Worsøe, Ditte Søbæk Johansen
Lexical selectivity in Danish toddlers with cleft palate (link to the group's Danish site)
Researcher: Elisabeth Willadsen
Case study of patient with neologistic jargon aphasia
Researchers: Christina Fogtmann and Lise Randrup Jensen.
Study of implementation of Supported Conversation
Researchers: Lise Randrup Jensen in collaboration with Hysse Forchhammer and Helle Iversen. In addition: Annelise Petersen, Inger Roed Sørensen and Lone Mathiesen.
Building a word database as a tool in empirical research
Researchers: Lise Randrup Jensen, Mads Poulsen og Philip Diderichsen
An inventory of vocal hygiene guidelines in Denmark
Researchers: Jenny Iwarsson, Ellen Lomholt og Karina Thomsen Grønnemose
Effects of speech disorders on future Human Resource consultants’ perceptions of personality and professional suitability
Researcher: Maja Zetterström og Jenny Iwarsson