Modern Scandinavian Literary and Cultural Studies (MosKa)

MoSka is an open forum for scholars working in the field of Scandinavian literary and cultural studies. Our research encompasses studies of Scandinavian and Nordic literatures with a special emphasis on ideas and traditions that have played a pivotal role in shaping modernity in the Nordics from the late 19th century until today.

This may include topics like the Nordic welfare model, feminism, social and gender equality. It may include texts about illness, normality, and disability, which often have ethical and political implications. It may also involve questions of national identities and affective communities, migration and post-colonialism.

Another joint interest of many of the researchers in the group is the significance and performative role of places and geographies in literary texts and other cultural discourses. Drawing on theories from cultural geography and space theory, we try to develop new spatial approaches and understandings of “Norden” and Scandinavia as a region in the world.

A third particular focus of our research is the sociology of Scandinavian literatures, both from a historical and contemporary perspective. This may include studies of the mediation and transmission of Scandinavian works of literature into global literary markets. What happens when Scandinavian literature goes global?






Name Title Phone E-mail
Bjerring-Hansen, Jens Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535331905 E-mail
Conroy, Alexander Research Assistant +4535327481 E-mail
Dybdal, Emilie PhD Fellow +4535335524 E-mail
Frank, Søren Professor +4535322167 E-mail
Jelsbak, Torben Associate Professor +4535331224 E-mail
Moberg, Bergur Rønne Associate Professor +4535328371 E-mail
Sandberg, Anna Lena Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535328156 E-mail
Skiveren, Tobias Associate Professor +4529729828 E-mail
Skriver, Svend Associate professor, Head of Studies +4535328345 E-mail
Thisted, Kirsten Associate Professor +4520311992 E-mail
Wennerscheid, Sophie Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535334418 E-mail

Affiliated researchers

  • Auken, Sune
  • Barnwell, Jeppe Lindquist
  • Blicher, Henrik 
  • Kondrup, Johnny
  • Quist, Pia
  • Skriver, Svend