Sustainability and culture

The challenges of sustainability affect human life comprehensively, and are, in turn, the results of human actions on the micro and and macro levels. By consequence, the last decades have seen the rise of a multidisciplinary research field that addresses sustainability from a SSH-perspective.

The research group for Sustainability and culture is an interdisciplinary collaboration which allows different research fields to meet and inspire each others in their approach to SHH sustainability research. The group’s purpose is to develop a shared, yet complex, frame for understanding of the topic, and to let the members’ diverse approaches inspire and challenge each others.

The group aims to establish a research practice that unites basic research inot to relevant questions with challenge based approaches to pertinent societal problems in relation to sustainability. The group seeks to cooperate with external partners both inside and outside research institutions.

The group seeks to engage students at NorS in research based effort that unites their learning with societal outreach.


The research group encompasses researchers from from Danish literature, language psychology, onomastics and media studies. The group unites these diverse fields in an interdisciplinary approach to the question of sustainability and culture. The group strives to connect basic and challenge based research.





Name Title Phone E-mail
Auken, Sune Associate Professor +4520562022 E-mail
Due, Brian Lystgaard Professor +4535335929 E-mail
Nielsen, Søren Beck Associate Professor +4535335950 E-mail
Skiveren, Tobias Associate Professor +4529729828 E-mail
Skriver, Svend Associate professor, Head of Studies +4535328345 E-mail
Wennerscheid, Sophie Associate Professor - Promotion Programme +4535334418 E-mail

Affiliated rsearchers

  • Bissenbakker, Mons
  • Eggert, Nina
  • Haastrup, Helle Kannik
  • Moberg, Bergur Rønne
  • Navaratta, Constanza
  • Rosiek, Jan

Head of research group