Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Difference

The centre undertakes cross-disciplinary gender research and teaching within the humanities. The emphasis is on the cultural and linguistic dimensions, as well as more overall epistemological and scientific issues.

Based on a wide range of empirical sources, e.g. public debates, historical sources, new media, literature and popular culture, the Centre for Gender, Sexuality & Difference examines the intersections between gender and other social categories such as sexuality, nationality, race and ethnicity, class, ability etc. The different approaches share the practical and philosophical question: ”How do we handle difference?”

The research unites a series of critical and international perspectives and includes among other queer theories, gender studiesaffect studies, post- and de-colonial studies, masculinity studies and critical race theory. These perspectives are centred around the analysis of culture and power.

The Centre for Gender, Sexuality and Difference manages and teaches the education in Gender Studies.


CHAD analyses how AIDS emerged and how it was understood, signified and (en)countered in four empirical fields:

  1. news coverage and dominant representations of the epidemic, focusing on how AIDS emerged as a public theme and how its victims were represented
  2. activism, campaigns and politics, focusing on the ways in which the epidemic was encountered by haemophiliac and LGBTQ organisations as well as in national politics, health interventions and legislation
  3. memories and stories from lived lives of people in close proximity to the epidemic, especially drug users and LGBTQ persons, focusing on how the epidemic was experienced and embedded in everyday lives and intimacy; and
  4. literature, cinema, TV and art that thematised and interpreted the emergence and effects of AIDS.

Read more about CHAD.



The unfolding European migration crises illustrates the urgent need for new conceptualizations and discursive frameworks to qualify our understandings of how and to what effect different forms of migration are conceptually and politically governed.

The LOVA collective research project investigates the ways in which the psychological and juridical concepts of attachment have come to regulate Danish love migration.

Read more about LOVA.


InterGen is  a network at the Faculty of Humanities at University of Copenhagen organized by assoc. prof. Mons Bissenbakker and assoc. prof.Michael Nebeling Petersen.

InterGen connects gender research in the humanities at UCPH. InterGen understands gender research as a uniting category of research that works either within questions of gender, sexuality, class, race, ethnicity, body, ability and other markers of difference, or with the methods and/or theories central to the gender studies tradition.

It is the ambition of InterGen to unite, develop and strengthen the collaboration between researchers, who work within or along gender studies. We gather every second month for lunch, where we present works in progress.

Contact Michael Nebeling Petersen (nebeling@hum.ku.dk) for information about and contact to InterGen.



The centre hosts the peer reviewed academic journal Women, Gender and Research (open access).

The journal presents original and interdisciplinary research within feminist theory, gender, power and inequality locally and globally. The journal is based within the humanities and social sciences with a keen interest on research on the significance and signification of different markers of difference, e.g. gender, race, sexuality, age, ability etc.

The journal was started in 1992 and continues to be the only and most influential academic journal for Gender Research in Denmark. During the years, the journal has united and presented Danish Gender Research as we have presented new theorerical, methodological and empirical paradigms in Denmark.

Editor-in-chief: Michael Nebeling Petersen (nebeling@hum.ku.dk)




Name Title
Juul, Anton PhD Fellow Billede af Juul, Anton
Eriksen, Camilla Bruun Associate Professor Billede af Eriksen, Camilla Bruun
Nebeling Petersen, Michael Associate Professor - Promotion Programme Billede af Nebeling Petersen, Michael
Bissenbakker, Mons Associate Professor Billede af Bissenbakker, Mons