Ethno methods in sociomaterial assemblages

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Brian Lystgaard Due - Andet

Key note: In the broad field of sociomaterial studies, typically building on Barad (2007), people and materials are treated as inseparably interconnected. In ethnomethodology we want to follow action and I will in this presentation suggest, that we need to make two moves: a) to recognize the distribution of agency within emerging assemblages and b) to resist reducing people to mere entities that is a priori permanently merged with materials. In doing so I will present a garfinkelian misreading of Deleuze and use a praxeological version of assemblages to understand sociomaterial configurations as members situated accomplishments.

Begivenhed (Seminar)

TitelSocial Interaction Analysis: Multimodality, Materiality and Technologies.
Grad af anerkendelseInternational begivenhed

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