
  1. Udgivet

    Space syntax theory and Durkheim’s social morphology: a reassessment

    Liebst, Lasse Suonperä & Griffiths, S., 2020, I: Distinktion. 21, 2, s. 214-234

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  2. Udgivet

    Stronger core, weaker fringes: the Danish general election 2019

    Pedersen, Karina, 2020, I: West European Politics. 43, 4, s. 1011-1022 12.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  3. Udgivet

    The Association Between Intimate Partner Violence and Signs of Depression During Pregnancy in Kilimanjaro Region, Northern Tanzania

    Manongi, R. N., Rogathi, J. J., Sigalla, G. N., Mushi, D. L., Rasch, V., Gammeltoft, Tine & Meyrowitsch, Dan Wolf, 2020, I: Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 35, 23-24, s. 5797-5811 15 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  4. Udgivet

    The Capacity to End: Termination of Mentalization-Based Therapy for Borderline Personality Disorder

    Juul, Sophie, Simonsen, S. & Bateman, A., 2020, I: Journal of Contemporary Psychotherapy. 50, s. 331–338

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  5. Udgivet

    The Consequences of Membership Incentives: Do Greater Political Benefits Attract Different Kinds of Members?

    Achury, S., Scarrow, S. E., Pedersen, Karina & van Haute, E., 2020, I: Party Politics. 26, 1, s. 56-68 13 s.

    Publikation: Bidrag til tidsskriftTidsskriftartikelForskningfagfællebedømt

  6. Udgivet

    The ESPREssO Action Database: Collecting and assessing measures for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation

    Baills, A., Grandjean, G., Maspataud, A., Ettinger, S., Abad, J., Dias, N., Albris, Kristoffer Langkjær, Hemmers, J., Clegg, G. & Martucci, C., 2020, I: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. 48, 101599, s. 1-13

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  7. Udgivet

    The Educational System and the Ethnic Skills Gap among the Working-Age Population: An Analysis of 16 Western Immigration Countries

    Heisig, J. P. & Schaeffer, Merlin, 2020, I: Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World. 6, s. 1-18 18 s., 1.

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  8. The Global Diffusion of the #MeToo Movement

    Lee, Myunghee & Murdie, A., 2020, I: Politics and Gender. 17, 4, s. 827-855 29 s.

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  9. Udgivet

    The Good City: Counterterrorism and the Ethical Work of Transformation in Copenhagen

    Ilum, Stine, 2020, I: Journal of Extreme Anthropology. 4, 1, s. 157-176 20 s.

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  10. Udgivet

    The Historical Evolution of Regionalizing Identities in Europe

    De Boer, D. E. H. (red.), Petersen, Nils Holger (red.), Spierings, B. (red.) & Welde, M. V. D. (red.), 2020, Bern: Peter Lang. 348 s.

    Publikation: Bog/antologi/afhandling/rapportAntologiForskningfagfællebedømt