Framing a Story of Possibilities: The Subjunctive Mood of a Participatory Photography Project in San Diego, United States

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  • Marie Kofod Svensson
The article investigates the dynamics of photographic production by refugee and immigrant youth in a participatory photography project in San Diego, United States (The AjA Project). Based on five months of fieldwork and the concepts of ‘the takeable photograph’ and ‘the subjunctive mood’, it examines under what ideals the photographic production takes place. I argue that there are particular ‘takeable’ photographs in AjA framed by the emic concept of story and defined in opposition to students’ private photographs. ‘Takeable’ photographs are produced in and aim for the subjunctive mood to instill the process with a potential for positive change.
TidsskriftVisual Ethnography
Udgave nummer1
Sider (fra-til)19-58
StatusUdgivet - 2017
Eksternt udgivetJa

ID: 185847755